CityWide Fellowship
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A Diliberately Simple Church
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LifeCircles meet throughout the week at various times and in varying places.  These groups form the foundation of our church.  There is a special page devoted to LifeCircles and you can reach that link by clicking here.


The whole church gathers each week for a special time of celebration on Sunday evenings.  The typical Sunday Evening service is as follows:

4:30 pm to  5:00 pm        Meal preparation team arrives for set-up
5:00 pm to  5:45 pm        Family Style Meal (Church provides Entree)
5:45 pm to  6:00 pm        Quick clean-up and preparations for Worship 
6:00 pm to  7:00 pm*      Worship Celebration (Nursery provided)

*Time is approximate (People can linger as long as they like)

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