CityWide Fellowship
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A Diliberately Simple Church
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A Typical LifeCircle Meeting

Each LifeCircle meeting seeks to balance the five functions of the church to maintain the purpose of the church which is to practice the Great Commandment and fulfill the Great Commission.  The five functions are:  Exaltation (Worship), Edification (Fellowship), Equipping (Discipleship), Evangelism (Ministry), and Expansion (Missions).

15 minutes               Welcome, Warm-up, and Snacks (Fellowship, Edification)
10-15 minutes         A Time of Singing or Other Activity (Worship, Exaltation)
15-30 minutes         A Time of Prayer for Needs (Ministry, Evangelism)
30-45 minutes         Bible Study (Discipleship, Equipping)
10-15 minutes         Mission Projects and Other Activities (Missions, Expansion)

These are approximate times.  The need of the moment will dictate how much time is given to what activity.  Not all activities will be accomplished in every meeting.  The goal is to maintain a balanced approach to church life over the course of the year.

Some LifeCircles, such as noon-time lunches, may have an abbreviated schedule to meet the time constraints.  The key is not the format, but the function, "a circle of people encouraging and equipping one another along life's journey."  Persons can be involved in more than one LifeCircle.

From time to time each LifeCircle will dedicate meetings and gatherings that are geared toward friends and family members who have not yet become Christians.